Cataract Treatment
If you are planning for the Cataract Surgery in Erode, then you have visited the right place. The operation is painless and quick procedure and experienced surgeons take just 5-7 minutes for an eye. There are a number of Eye Hospitas in Erode, but we offer top-notch cataract removal with experienced surgeons like Dr.L.V.Shanmughanathan,MS.DO and DR.S.Ramakrishnan,MRCOphth cutting-edge technology, and a proven track record of treating more than 1,40,000 patients in past 15 years.
Do You Know?
Cataract is a very common condition in which the natural lens become foggy generally due to ageing. You are not required to worry if you find it difficult to do your daily activities like reading, driving, etc.
You just need to visit L.V.S.Eye Hospital,Erode and consult our doctors. They will guide you the best lenses suitable for your eyes and lifestyle. The procedure involves, implanting an Intra-Ocular Lens (IOL) after removing the natural lens.
What is the best time for Cataract Operation?
You don’t need to rush into surgery immediately after a cataract diagnosis, and it can be done in any season. Surgery is typically considered when cataracts significantly affect your quality of life, such as interfering with reading or driving at night, or when they hinder the treatment of other eye problems. Cataract removal can be performed at any stage, without waiting for the lens to “ripen.” It’s important to consult with your doctor to decide the right time for surgery. Note that cataracts can progress faster in people with diabetes.
Cataract Treatment
We perform Phacoemulsification and MICS (Micro-Incision Cataract Surgery), advanced techniques for cataract removal and restoring vision at L.V.S.Eye Hospital.The benefits are as below:
Cataract Treatment
- Walk in walk out surgery procedures
- Absolutely painless procedure
- No Stitches
- No need of injections
- No Bandages
- No need of Hospitalization
01. Phacoemulsification:
- Small Incisions: Phacoemulsification involves microscopic eye incisions, usually under 3mm. This reduces complications and speeds healing compared to traditional method or technique.
- Quick Recovery: Patients usually experience faster visual recovery and can resume normal activities after 7-10 days.
- Precision: Using ultrasonic energy, the cataract is precisely removed with little eye tissue stress.
- Customization: Phacoemulsification lets surgeons customize the treatment for each patient, improving vision and reducing glasses need
02. MICS (Micro-Incision Cataract Surgery):
- Ultra-Small Incisions: MICS involves even smaller incisions than traditional and phacoemulsification, typically less than 2.2mm in size. These tiny incisions promote faster healing and reduce the risk of induced astigmatism.
- Less Discomfort: Patients have less post-operative discomfort and faster visual rehabilitation due to smaller incisions and less eye stress.
- Minimal Disturbance: MICS gently removes cataracts without damaging the eye. This decreases inflammation and ocular edema risk.
- Better Visual Outcomes: Many patients see better and use fewer glasses or contacts after surgery thanks to MICS’ precision and accuracy.
Types of Lenses (IOLs): Exploring Your Options
- A intraocular lenses (or IOL) is a small, artificial lens designed for the eye. It replaces the natural lens, which is removed during this procedure.
- Phacoemulsification and MICS are popular cataract removal surgeries because to their smaller incisions, faster recovery times, and better visual outcomes.

Monofocal IOLs: Clarity at a Chosen Distance
Monofocal lenses are those with one focus point, which is why they correct vision at a single distance, which is usually for near or distance vision.
They give clear vision when you are at the desired distance, which makes them ideal for those with particular vision requirements such as distant vision while driving, or reading glasses to perform close-up tasks.

Toric IOLs Correction of Astigmatism using precision
Toric IOLs are able to be used to correct astigmatism since they have distinct powers for different meridians in the lens. Additionally, they have aligning marks on the outside of the lens which permit the surgeon to alter the direction of the IOL within the eye to provide the best astigmatism correction. The patient must wear glasses for close work but for distance vision, glasses are not required. glasses.

Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs: Gradual Transition Between Focal Points
- EDOF IOLs utilize a distinctive optical design that increases your depth of field, allowing the patient with a gradual, continuous shift in focal points. The goal of this design is to minimize visual disturbances like halos and glare which are typically encountered with multifocal IOLs. They are particularly beneficial to those who wish to decrease the requirement of reading glasses and bifocals post cataract surgery.
- The choice of the most appropriate IOL is a long-lasting conversation between the individual and his eye surgeon or ophthalmologist. Things like lifestyle, requirements for vision and overall health of the eye are key in determining the best choice.
- Your doctor will schedule a second operation for the second eye in a month or two, if you have it in both eyes.

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